The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out
Leviticus 6:13
House of Prayer Port Moresby (HOP POM) is a place where corporate worship and intercession as well as the call for justice goes up before the throne of God day and night. We are committed to serving the body of Christ to take its place in the nation. We are a ‘VOICE’ calling the people to prepare for Jesus’ second coming.
In 2014 as I was seeking the Lord one morning, I read the first chapter of the Book of Nehemiah. And right there in the verse, the Lord reminded me about PNG and the state where my people are living in. That morning I sensed the Lord clearly spoke this verse to me…” just like Jerusalem the spiritual walls of Papua New Guinea are broken down and your people are living in shame. Just like Nehemiah, I am calling you to establish a 24/7 House of prayer to rebuild the spiritual walls and gates of PNG.”
We believe Papua New Guinea is in a state of broken walls and burnt-down gates. And someone or a people like Nehemiah need to stand up and say Lord here I am, I want to stand in the gap and rebuild the walls and the gates. People like the persistent widow in Luke 18, call out for justice until it is established in the nation. People, who humble themselves, pray, repent, and seek His face. Then He will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land. (2. Chronicles 7:14-15) In 1875 Papua-New Guinea heard the gospel for the first time. Many European missionaries were part of the pioneering work in PNG. In 2007 the nation made a covenant with the God of Israel. But we are still struggling to keep it. More breakthroughs in prayer are needed! That’s why we are establishing the 24/7 house of prayer in Port Moresby.

for my house shall be called a house of prayer for nations
We are committed to partnering with the body of Christ to fulfil its end-time-calling as HIS bride. We are called:

to minister to God in the commandment of first love and offer worship unto Him day and night in a corporate prayer room according to Matthew 22:37-39.

to live as the friend of the bridegroom calling the bride to walk in unity, to walk in love and to walk in purity according 1. Thessalonians 5:23.

to seek God’s heart and partner with Him and HIS bride in intercession over our nation to see justice restored according to 2. Chronicles 7: 14-15 and Luke 18:1-8.

to train forerunners to establish works of justice in their spheres of influence within Papua New Guinea according to Isaiah 40:1-3 ​

to train worshippers, musicians, singers, intercessors, watchmen and missionaries according Isaiah 62: 6-7 and 6:1-8, Psalm 134: 1-3, Psalm 135:1-3 and John 4:23-24.

Our God is worthy of all glory, power, honor, and praise. We worship Him for who He is and for what He has done and will continue to do, now and always. God is seeking true worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24)