with us
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them
Ephesians 2:10
Since 2016 we have been trained and mentored by a ministry called Kingdom Impact in Germany to get prepared for our pioneering work in PNG. Their DNA is really to impact the nations with the Kingdom lifestyle, which means to live in the Spirit and to ask the Lord for HIS strategies and HIS will for his Kingdom to expand here on earth.“Both ministries have deeply blessed and impacted us, and we will try to apply all that we learned. Our calling is like that of Nehemiah and John the Baptist in the bible.” In August 2019 we left Germany to establish the 24/7 house of prayer. We opened the House of Prayer Port Moresby on July 4, 2020.
Sam is passionate about worship and transforming poor villages. Sonja loves to teach the Word of God and has a heart for healing. Together they have four girls, who are dancing princesses.
‘To love God is our highest commandment. To love our neighbors is likewise’

is a prophetic-apostolic ministry, community, and House of Prayer with a specific assignment to do life together in Spirit. Conjunctionally, we operate from a posture of servanthood with a strong mandate for training people internationally and interdenominationally on living in the Kingdom of God.